Thursday, December 4, 2008

Reading One

The first set of readings were about email etiquette as well as Netiquette. There were 3 main points that explained why email etiquette was important to you and your company. The first reason was professionalism, you want to be able to to have a professional image when using emails. This means that you need to use proper email language and use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. The second reason was efficiency, this means when sending an email you need to get to the point and explain things clearly. Many times today companies fail to do this and it can result in hurting a business relationship. The third reason was for protection from liability. Having your employees aware of email risks will help people avoid costly lawsuits. Along with these main points they give 32 etiquette tips that help with writing professional emails. I found this article very helpful because i was unaware of some of the mistakes I was making in my emails.
The second part of reading one was also very helpful. It explains online etiquette. The reading mostly addressed that when your online you have to remember that your dealing with real people. when online we need to act like we would normally act in the real world and follow the same guidelines. You should remain professional when online, you always want to keep a positive image no matter where you go. We should respect others avoid flame wars. Basically this reading helps you understand that just because you are dealing with people in person, you still need to present yourself like you are. That will help you get along better when online.

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